Her Calling and her Ministry - 3

Part 3: Her Last Messages, her Final Days

THE LAST DAYS OF MRS. E. G. WHITE and HER LAST MESSAGES: A Letter from Elder W. C. White. ("Review and Herald", Mar. 11.) From Spalding Magan Unpublished Mss. Pg. 451-453

A MESSAGE FOR OUR YOUNG PEOPLE: W. C. W. Published in Review & Herald of April 15, 1915.) From Spalding Magan Unpublished Mss. Pg. 453-455

"I KNOW MY WORK IS DONE." W. C. W. "Elmshaven, Sanitarium, Cal., March 7, 1915

"I GO ONLY A LITTLE BEFORE THE OTHERS." (Review & Herald, June 17, 1915)

"UNTO HIM BE THE GLORY." W.C.W.  (Review & Herald, July 1, 1915.)

LONGS FOR REST. (Review &. Herald, July 22, 1915)

DEATH OF SISTER E. G. WHITE.  (Review & Herald, July 22, 1915.) From Spalding Magan Unpublished Mss. Pg. 455-458


(On February 13, 1915, Sister White met with an accident, the prelude to her death, which occurred Friday afternoon, July 16, 1915. The following reports and articles contain her last instructions, given during this time.) A Letter from Elder W. C. White. ("Review and Herald", Mar. 11.)

During the past few months mother's general condition of health has been as favorable as could be expected of one of her age. She has stated that at no other period of her life has she been so free from physical pain. And while she has gradually become more feeble, yet she had not, prior to her recent accident, been obliged to spend a day in bed. She had been able to go up and down stairs without assistance, and in favorable weather, has taken pleasure in riding out once a day, and sometimes twice.

Her cheerfulness has never diminished. When referring to her age and physical condition, she has often expressed gratitude to God for his care. Her abiding trust in Him has never wavered.

Always thoughtful of others, she has manifested recently still greater solicitude regarding the welfare of her friends and associates. She has found great joy in reading the reports of progress in the Review and in letters from her old friends. She has taken a deep interest in the work of preparing her manuscripts for publication.

Wednesday morning, January 27, I returned home after an absence of sixteen weeks in the East and South. I found Mother cheerful and interested to hear about the work in the places that I had visited. She seemed to be about as well as when I left home early in October.

Friday afternoon, February 12, as I was leaving the office for a quick trip to St. Helena, mother came outdoors, and we spent ten minutes in walking about in the bright sunshine, and talking about the progress of the message in all the world.

Sabbath morning, mother appeared to be as well as usual. About noon as she was entering her study from the hallway, she tripped and fell. Her nurse, May Walling, who was in the hall about twenty feet away, hastened to her assistance, and endeavored to help her onto her feet. When mother cried out with pain, May lifted her into a rocking chair, pulled the chair through the hall to mother's bedroom, and got her to bed. Then May telephoned Dr. Klingerman at the sanitarium, at once applied fomentations to the hip, where the pain seemed to be the greatest.

When the doctor came, he said that is was either a bad sprain or a fracture, and advised an X-ray examination at the sanitarium. This examination showed an "intracapsular fracture of the left femur at the junction of the head and neck." Mother bore very patiently all the painful experiences of being carried from her room to the sanitarium and back again.

Sara McEnterfer, who was her traveling companion and secretary most of the time for thirty years, is with her; and so is May Walling, who was brought up in her home, and who has been her faithful nurse for about two years. Mrs. Hungerford, a trained nurse from the sanitarium, is also with her.

Mother occupies her study, where for the last ten busy years she did most of her writing. Sometimes when half awake, she asks how long the journey will take, and when she will get home; and then, when fully awake, she says, "I am right here in my own room."

In our seasons of prayer mother unites with her usual fervor and clearness of thought, expressing complete confidence and entire resignation.

Since her accident she has told me that she feels that her work is done, her battles ended, and that she is willing to lie down and sleep till the resurrection morning, unless there is yet some special work the Lord has for her to do.

This is not a new thought, but is in perfect harmony with her frequent expressions during the past year. Regarding her constant faith and courage, Brother C. C. Crisler wrote to me Dec. 23, 1914, as follows:-

"Even when exceedingly brain-weary, your mother seems to find great comfort in the promises of the Word, and often catches up a quotation and completes it when we begin quoting some familiar scripture. At such times she seems to me to be even more spiritual minded than usual; that is, she swells more at length on her personal experience and faith and hope, and recounts providences that cause her to renew her courage in God, At such times she also reaches out after spiritual comfort and help, and asks more frequently than at other times that we mite in prayer with her.

"I do not find her discouraged over he own case, nor do I find her discouraged over the general outlook throughout the harvest field where her brethren are laboring. She seems to have strong faith in God's power to overrule, and to bring to pass his eternal purpose through the efforts of those whom he has called to act a part in his great work. She rises above petty criticism, above even the failures of those who have been reproved, and expressed the conviction, born, apparently, of an innate faith in the church of the living God, that her brethren will remain faithful to the cause they have espoused, and that the Lord will continue with them to the end, and grant them complete victory over every device of the enemy.

"Faith in God's power to sustain her through the many weaknesses attendant on old ago; faith in the precious promises of God's Word; faith in her brethren who bear the burden of the work; faith in the final triumph of the third angel's message,--this is the full faith your mother seems to enjoy everyday and every hour. This is the faith that fills her heart with joy and peace, even when suffering great physical weakness, and unable to make progress in literary lines. A faith such as this would inspire anyone who could witness it."

W. C. White.

From Spalding Magan Unpublished Mss. Pg. 451-453



Wednesday morning, March 3, 1915.

(About ten o'clock this morning, Mother began to talk with her nurse about selecting books for the young that would strengthen their minds. The nurse called me, and I wrote down, as fully as I could, what Mother said to me. Here is that portion of what she said that is of general interest.--W. C. W. Published in Review & Herald of April 15, 1915.)

There are books that are of vital importance that are not looked at by our young people. They are neglected because they are not so interesting to them as some lighter reading.

We should advise the young to take hold of such reading matter as recommends itself for the upbuilding of Christian character.

The most essential points of our faith should be stamped upon the memory of the young. They have hade a glimpse of these truths, but not such an acquaintance as would lead them to look upon their study with favor. Our youth should read that which will have a healthful, sanctifying effect upon the mind. This they need in order to be able to discern what is true religion. There is much good reading that is not sanctifying.

Now is our time and opportunity to labor for the young people. Tell them that we are now in a perilous crises, and we want to know how to discern true godliness. Our young people need to be helped, uplifted, and encouraged, but in the right manner; not, perhaps, as they would desire it, but in a way that will help them to have sanctified minds. They need good, sanctifying religion more than anything else.

I do not expect to live long. My work is nearly done. Tell our young people that I want my words to encourage them in that manner of life that will be most attractive to the heavenly intelligences, and that their influence upon others may be most ennobling.

In the night season I was selecting and laying aside books that are of no advantage to the young. We should select for them books that will encourage them to sincerity of life, and lead them to the opening of the Word. This has been presented to me in the past, and I thought I would get it before you and make it secure. We can not afford to give to young people valueless reading. Books that are a blessing to mind and soul are needed. These things are too lightly regarded; therefore our people should become acquainted with what I am saying.

I do not think I shall have more Testimonies for our people. Our men of solid minds know what is good for the uplifting and upbuilding of the work. But with the love of God in their hearts, they need to go deeper and deeper into the study of the things of God. I am very anxious that our young people shall have the proper class of reading; then the old people will get it also. We must keep our eyes on the religious attraction of the truth. We are to keep mind and brain open to the truths of God’s Word. Satan comes when men are unaware. We are not to be satisfied because the message of warning has been once presented. We must present it again and again.

We could begin a course of reading so intensely interesting that it would attract and influence many minds. If I am spared for further labor, I should gladly help to prepare books for the young.

There is a work to be done for the young by which their minds will be impressed and molded by the sanctifying truth of God. It is my sincere wish for our young people that they find the true meaning of justification by faith, and the perfection of character that will prepare them for eternal life. I do not expect to live long, and I leave this message for the young, that the aim which they make shall not miscarry.

I exhort my brethren to encourage the young ever to keep the preciousness and grace of God highly exalted. Work and pray constantly for a sense of the preciousness of true religion. Bring in the blessedness and the attractiveness of holiness and the grace of God. I have felt a burden regarding this because I know it is neglected.

I have no assurance that my life will last long, but I feel that I am accepted of the Lord. He knows how much I have suffered as I have witnessed the low standards of living adopted by so-called Christians. I have felt that it was imperative that the truth should be seen in my life, and that my testimony should go to the people. I want that you should do all you can to have my writings placed in the hands of the people in foreign lands.

Tell the young that they have had many spiritual advantages. God wants them to make earnest efforts to get the truth before the people. I am impressed that it is my special duty to say these things.

Ellen White.

From Spalding Magan Unpublished Mss. Pg. 453-455



(A Circular Letter from W. C. White.)

"Elmshaven, Sanitarium, Cal., March 7, 1915

Dear Friend:--

During the last week Mother has been sitting up three or four hours each day. The doctors say that she is holding up remarkably, considering her age.

Last Wednesday she said to Brother Crisler, "I need the prayers of all God’s people." To her nurse she said, "Jesus is my blessed Redeemer, and I love him with my whole being."

Today in talking with Brother Crisler, she said, "My courage is grounded in my Saviour. I want that peace that abounds in Christ Jesus. My work is nearly ended. Looking over the past, I do not feel the least mite of despondency or discouragement. I feel so grateful that the Lord has withheld me from despair or discouragement, and that I can still hold the banner. I am very grateful that this is so. I know Him whom I love, and in whom my soul trusteth."

Speaking of death, she said, "I feel the sooner the better; all the time that is how I feel,--the sooner the better. I have not a discouraging thought, nor sadness. I have hoped that I should be able once more to speak to the people; but that is the Lord’s business, not mine."

"I have light and faith and hope and courage and joy in the Lord, and that is enough. The Lord understands what I can endure, and he has given me grace to bear up under the discouragements that I have sometimes had to bear, and I feel thankful for this.

"I have nothing to complain of: I thank the Lord for all his goodness, all his mercy, all his love."

Pointing to and handling some of her books, she continued: "I appreciate these books as I never did before. I appreciate them. They are truth, and they are righteousness, and they are an everlasting testimony that God is true.

"I have nothing to complain of. Let the Lord take his way and do his work with me, so that I am refined and purified; and that is all I desire. I know my work is done; it is of no use to say anything else. I shall rejoice when my time comes, that I am permitted to lie down to rest in peace. I have no desire that my life shall be prolonged."

Following a prayer by Brother Crisler, she prayed: "Heavenly Father, I come to Thee, weak, like a broken reed, yet by the Holy Spirit’s vindication of righteousness and truth that shall prevail. I thank Thee, Lord, I thank Thee, and I will not draw away from anything that shall prevail. Let thy light, let thy joy and peace, be upon me in my last hours, that I may glorify Thee, is my greatest desire; and this is all that I shall ask of Thee. Amen."

Following the prayer: "I did not know how it would be in the last, the very last, on account of the affliction. But I find that I can lean my whole weight on the promises of God; and I do not at all doubt or question his wisdom in any way. He has provided for me to be carried through; and I will rejoice just as long as I have tongue and voice."



(Review & Herald, June 17, 1915)

Under date of May 27. Elder W. C. White writes as follows:

Tuesday morning, May 25, she was very weak, but her mind seemed clear; and when I asked if she was comfortable, she said:

"I am very weak. I am sure that this is my last sickness. I am not worried at the thought of dying. I feel comforted all the time, the Lord is so near me. I am not anxious. The preciousness of the Saviour has been so plain to me. He has been a Friend. He has kept me in sickness and in health.

"I do not worry about the work I have done. I have done the best I could. I do not think I shall be lingering long. I do not expect much suffering. I am thankful that we have the comforts of life in time of sickness. Do not worry. I go only a little before the others."




(Review & Herald, July 1, 1915.)

At three o’clock Sabbath afternoon, May 29, 1915, Elder G. B. Starr visited Sister White. Elder Starr found her in her reclining chair, in the bay window of her room, looking out upon the trees and hills about her place. He remarked how glad he was to find her amid such pleasant surroundings, and stated that she looked much better than when he saw her the Tuesday before.

She replied that she was grateful for her pleasant surroundings, and that they had much improved in the years since she first came here.

Sister White then said: "I am pained at the lightness and frivolity that has come in. It seems to be everywhere. We must seek greater solemnity as a people, before we shall see the power of God manifested as it should be." This she repeated two or three times, almost word for word, and she seemed to be greatly pained over the matter.

She continued: "O, how much we need more of the Holy Spirit! There is a great work to be done, and how are we ever to accomplish it?"

To this Elder Starr said: "God is raising up hundreds of strong young men and women through our schools and sanitariums, and is putting his Holy Spirit upon them, and qualifying them to do a great and blessed work; and many of them are devoted, sober, earnest, and successful."

She replied: "I am so glad to hear that! You could not have told me anything more encouraging."

Continuing, she said: "I wish that I might speak again to the people, and help carry the work; but they tell me I must not speak in public now."

She then inquired, "Where have you been keeping yourself so long?"

Elder Starr replied, "At Melrose, Mass., at the sanitarium where you said we ought to work."

"Oh yes," she answered, "I have always felt a great interest in the cause in the East, and have not lost it. The work there is not nearly finished; it is only just begun. There is a great work to be done. I wish that I might bear another testimony to our people, a strong testimony."

Elder Starr said, "We are praying daily that God will raise you up and strengthen you to bear another testimony to his people, if that is his will."

"Keep on praying," she answered.

Elder Starr then asked if she should like to have him pray with her. She replied that she should be very glad to have him pray. He knelt close by her side, so that she could hear well, and after thanking God for his many blessings, in giving to us his truth, and the special part he had enabled Sister White to act in it, he repeated, word for word, very slowly, Paul’s prayer recorded in Ephesians 3: 14-21, as follows: "For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen."

Sister White gave expression to several hearty amens during the quoting of this prayer; and when it was over, she expressed her gratitude for the call and the prayer, and requested Elder Starr to call again.

W. C. White.


(Review &. Herald, July 22, 1915)

A letter from Elder W. C. White, dated July 7, says: "Mother is slowly losing ground. She talks but little now and longs for rest. It is now 144 days since the accident. What a strange world this will be to me when mother is gone!"


(Review & Herald, July 22, 1915.)

We stop our Presses to announce the sad word of the death of Sister E. G. White, which occurred at her home, near St. Helena, Cal., Friday afternoon, July 16.

After a life of nearly eighty-eight years of faithful, untiring labor for God, and for her fellow men, a truly noble woman, a devoted servant of the Master, rests from her labors. The influence of her godly life will live on to gather with Christ till the final harvest.

From Spalding Magan Unpublished Mss. Pg. 455-458